Intro - Start here
Hello friends and welcome!
I am so so so excited to have you in this 'How to Land and Rock a Press Trip' e-course! This course is designed to share a step-by-step guide on how to build confidence with your brand, capitalize on your strengths, and put your BEST foot forward when pitching brands - all of which have the power to land you comped and PAID press trips!
In this e-course I'm going to be uncovering my exact step-by-step system that you can use to pitch, land, and ROCK your next brand partnership! Small following? No problem? Nervous? I got you!
'Where do I start?' Who was I? What value could I provide?' I asked myself these questions repeatedly whenever I first started blogging and reaching out to brands.
I was confident in my skills and direction, but how could I vocalize this to BIG brands? Would they laugh? Did I need to wait until I had 10,000 followers? 25,000 page views?
BUT then...I did it! With less than 2K followers we landed our first press trip! And once I figured out how to properly pitch brands, they kept rollingggg in. And with more partnerships came more followers, more blog traffic, and MORE EXCITEMENT!
I want you to have that same chain reaction of awesomeness, too, which is why I created this 'How to Land and Rock a Press Trip' e-course!
If you’re reading this you’ve probably wondered how families collaborate with hotels, tourism boards, and large brands? Who do they contact? What do they say?
I know that it can be SUPER intimidating to pitch brands when your new to the game and don’t have 10K followers and 25,000 pageviews per month. I get it! I was there too! But guess what? You don’t need a massive audience to land AND rock press trips!
We landed our first press trip with just under 2K followers (that’s right, 1,995 followers!).
My goal with this e-course is that by the end you will have gained the skills and confidence to reach out to brands and land your next press trip or big brand collaboration!
Throughout this course you'll be receiving step-by-step tips, action items (aka, homework), and you'll even be invited to join me in a private FB group to get your questions answered! I want this course to be as DOABLE as it is informative (and FUN!), so each lecture is designed to be extremely actionable. Because action = results.
Join the FB group here:
So with all of this in mind, how do you know if this challenge is right for you? Let me break it down for you:
If you’ve found yourself…
…wanting to reach out to brands but find it overwhelming or intimidating,
…unsure of what to say and to whom, or
…you’ve already started pitching but haven’t had success, BUT
… you’re excited and ready to work hard to land the collaborations of your dreams!
...Then the How to Land and Rock a Press Trip Challenge was literally made with you in mind. :)
You’ll learn my proven system to reaching out to brands with confidence, the same system I've used to land FOUR press trips in under 6-months time! :)
Not only will you get lifetime access to these step-by-step tips and daily action items, but you'll also be able to join me for live Q&A’s to help you dive deeper into the content and get your questions answered!
No more wondering, “How the heck can I land press trips?!”
Can you imagine what it will feel like when you land your first, or next press trip?! I am soooo excited for y’all!
Let’s find out, shall we? Can’t wait to see you on the inside!
And don’t forget to join the FB group here: